IP specialists Tjibbe Fokkens and Hemke de Weijs are ranked in the 2019 edition of World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000).
We are proud to announce that Nysingh’s Tjibbe Fokkens and Hemke de Weijs have been ranked in the 2019 edition of World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000) – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals
Hemke de Weijs and Tjibbe Fokkens are: “practical and hands-on lawyers, they create a close connection with their clients which enables them to consistently choose the right strategy for them”.
WTR 1000
WTR 1000 is a highly valued research directory, which focuses exclusively on trademark practices and practitioners. WTR 1000 conducts its research fully independently. The inclusion of lawyers is based upon peer and client feedback.