Procurement law

Contracting authorities have to deal with many facets of European and national procurement law. In doing so, they must act in a non-discriminatory, transparent and proportional manner. All tenderers must have equal chances of winning a tender. However, (European) procurement rules and principles are complex and dynamic. Both contracting authorities and tenderers must take much legislation into account (like the 2012 Public Procurement Act and Guide to Proportionality), and its ongoing amendment.

Please contact me with any questions on Procurement law

Mirthe Visser

Attorney at law

Our team of procurement law experts is familiar with European and national procurement law. We provide high-quality, quick, pragmatic legal assistance, focussed on turning legal problems into solutions. We have a great deal of experience in advising on and supervising procurement processes and tendering procedures. We also regularly litigate in procurement disputes, both in summary and regular proceedings. We also have experience in summary proceedings before the Court of Justice of the EU.



Our Procurement lawyers

Our team of procurement law specialists acts for contracting authorities: the National Police (the team has provided legal support for the procurement of service weapons and vehicles), ProRail, various provinces, municipalities, water boards, educational institutions and (academic) hospitals. We also advise businesses that are tendering.


We have a great deal of experience with tenders in healthcare, ICT and the waste sector, and with tenders for office furniture, cleaning, catering, construction and public and student transport. We regularly advise on complex procurement law issues, such as public-public cooperation (horizontal cooperation and quasi-in-house issues, the granting of exclusive rights), other exceptions to the tendering obligation and various types of development zoning.


We’d be happy to help you. Please contact us with any questions on:

  • the obligation to tender
  • exceptions to the tender obligation
  • the obligation to put out a tender in the event of a below-threshold contract
  • drawing up an invitation to tender
  • drafting and reviewing tender documents
  • drawing up and evaluating selection criteria, award criteria and grounds for exclusion
  • motivating the award decision and the withdrawal decision
  • whether or not to implement (material) changes
  • tender disputes
  • private tenders
  • public-public cooperation
  • disputes concerning the execution of a contract previously tendered

Stay up-to-date on Procurement Law

Do you work for a contracting authority or are you a business and therefore a potential tenderer? Join our network group and stay up-to-date on current developments and activities, such as online seminars, symposia and courses.

Knowledge of procurement law

Our team publishes the Chronicle of European and national procurement case law annually in the magazine for procurement law (Tijdschrift voor Aanbestedingsrecht). In addition, we regularly publish in Cobouw, Tender Newsletter, we annotate JAAN and we contribute to Kluwer Tekst & Commentaar Aanbestedingsrecht and Sdu Commentaar Aanbestedingsrecht. We also provide training courses at leading colleges, such as the Grotius Academy. Our team are all active members of the Association for Procurement Law. And team members have been recommended as leading experts in the international publication, Who’s Who Legal. Government Contracts.


Are you interested in an in-company procurement law course? In consultation with you, our specialists will provide practical training tailored to the needs and specific objectives of your organisation. Feel free to contact us for further details!
